Whenever any content is uploaded to a shared web hosting account or downloaded using it, some web site traffic is produced which is an attribute that each and every hosting plan comes with. It is also one of the features you should take a look at, since how much traffic allowance you'll need is dependent upon what you need the account for. The site traffic is mostly generated by downloads including website visits. In layman's terms, every time somebody goes to your site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on his/her computer and they are then shown by their internet browser. It is of course important to know that uploads count as well, hence when you transfer large files from your laptop or computer to the server, some traffic will be generated as well. Different providers sometimes have different names for this feature, like traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, yet all of them refer to the same thing - the total amount of incoming & outgoing information generated for some period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Web Hosting

All of our shared web hosting are perfect for any kind of small to medium-sized web site or even a larger number of websites. Considering that you can host a variety of domains from one account, we've designed our plans in such a way so as to provide all of the functions you'll need. Regardless if you run an individual portfolio web site or an electronic commerce web site, our monthly traffic allowance that your web site may use won't ever be a setback. Thus, you will have the chance to extend your worldwide web presence and get plenty of new visitors without having to worry about getting to a cap. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel provides you with elaborate details for the traffic usage to and from your account, that will allow you to take care of all of your sites as well as your account much better. You can view hourly, daily and monthly figures, the traffic generated by each individual domain and by the account as a whole, the most often downloaded files, etcetera.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

Considering the fact that our semi-dedicated servers are very powerful, we've decided not to put any type of restriction for the monthly site traffic that a given account can generate. It is our understanding that if you purchase a website hosting plan that comes with a great deal of processing power, your web sites will most probably have lots of visitors and since each visitor produces some website traffic, you can end up with unavailable sites in case there was any limit for this feature. With truly unlimited site traffic, you can be sure this cannot happen. For your convenience, you can keep track of the information being downloaded and the site traffic that is generated for each individual domain with monthly, daily and hourly statistics that will inform you on how popular your web sites are. You'll be able to even view unique webpages and files that have made most of the site traffic in the semi-dedicated account.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

Taking into consideration how powerful all of our dedicated servers are, the data transfer that you'll get each month will be enough for any type of web site whatever the number of its visitors, even if you supply image or file hosting. You'll receive a quota of terabytes of site traffic every single month and as you won't share the server with anyone else, that allowance will be provided just for your sites and web applications. We'll notify you the moment you get to 90% of the quota therefore you can react and either optimize your sites to reduce the site traffic they generate, or extend your limit. It is very unlikely that you may ever require more than what we'll supply you with, yet we won't limit the development of your sites, therefore we leave the option to add extra traffic open. The dedicated server plans include a management panel where you will be able to see what amount of traffic has been produced so far for the current month and the amount that is left until you reach the limit. Due to the fact that these figures include software setups and updates, they are more accurate than numerous hosting Control Panel statistics which include only the traffic made by sites.