When you obtain a new shared web hosting, it is generated on a server and the process will take some time, in addition to the verification and processing of the transaction, which most companies make personally. When you get a dedicated server, for example, the configuration takes even longer since the unit needs to be assembled, installed and tried to ensure that it'll work effectively. This is the reason why the majority of providers have a one-time fee so as to cover the time and efforts used on your new account. The fee, which can sometimes be quite high, is generally not shown on the front page, yet you will see it on your checkout or payment page, so you won't be aware of it before you have already completed the whole registration process and you can even overlook it if you do not pay close attention.

Setup Fee in Shared Web Hosting

Our shared web hosting plans do not have any installation costs or any other obscured fees as a general rule. When you purchase your account, we'll process your payment at once and your account will be generated and activated by our system instantly. The total price that you'll be required to pay for your hosting package will be the same everywhere - on your main, order and payment pages, and you will not notice or be charged anything besides that price any time. That is valid even if you get multiple accounts as it's our principle that developing trust is more important than receiving a couple of more dollars. Your account activation is immediate, thus you're able to proceed and start building your sites without delay.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you get a semi-dedicated server plan through us, your first payment will be identical to all renewal payments for the following months. We don't have any setup costs, or any hidden costs of any type, for that matter. We value a business relationship based on mutual trust a lot more than some extra dollars, which means that even if you have a shared hosting package here and you intend to relocate all of your content to a new semi-dedicated server, so as to get a more powerful web hosting alternative, we'll do everything for you at no additional fee apart from the regular monthly cost for your new package. The creation of a semi-dedicated account is practically fully automatic, that's why we think that charging you something for that would not be justified.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

When you obtain a dedicated server from our company, we'll configure your machine free of charge. The cost that you can see and pay will be equivalent on our website, on your payment page as well as on your bank statement, plus the exact amount you will pay through the signup will be the same as the one you will pay to renew the plan in the future. We'll give you a ready-to-use system, which is assembled and tried, and which comes with all of the required software pre-installed - OS, web server, MySQL, FTP, and hosting Control Panel if you have picked one throughout the registration, still all the aforementioned tasks are executed absolutely free. We can even move all your information at no additional charge if you acquire your dedicated server with our Hepsia Control Panel and you have an ordinary shared hosting package from our company.